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Big Trucks & Lawn Mower Races

On Sunday, September 22nd Old School Lives held its Annual Big Truck Night and Lawn Mower Races. It was a wonderful fall afternoon with lots of family fun, although there could have been a little more sun. Families and community members enjoyed the variety of big trucks out front, an inflatable dump truck slide in the gym, Cotton Volunteer Fire Department Spaghetti Dinner, and lawn mower races out back.

    A great big thank you to all those who brought their trucks to the event, it was so fun to see the smiling faces of so many children. Just the simple act of pretending to drive a fire truck, tow truck, or semi sparked joy for so many! We couldn't have done it without you. Thank you to the Ellsuburg and Cotton Fire Departments for bringing trucks! Thank you to Armory Shell for bringing so many trucks for families to enjoy and learn about. And thank you to Jeff Iverson for bringing your semi and participating in this community event! 

    For Lawn Mower Races this year, we had 4 modified races and 6 stock racers. It was a muddy track filled with the excitement of tight corners and close races, and the unfortunate heartbreak of engine failures and losses. We had quite the crowd this year and are excited to announce the champions of the 2019 races. 

2019 Modified Champion - Vincent Wood 

2019 Stock Champion - Chad Pollak

2nd place in both class: Mitch Nosbisch

Next year we look forward to adding Mini Bikes, the Kiddie Cup (power wheel races), and pure stock lawn mower races! Thank you so much to all those entered the races and came out to watch, you made it such an exciting event for everyone involved! Thank you so much to Matt Wood and Jake Crispo for setting up the course and races. Thank you to all those volunteered their time during the week and in the shops to make this event possible! We look forward to next year! 

Photo credit: Cotton Chronicle 

pictures copyright Cotton Chronicle 


9165 Hwy 53
PO Box 156

Cotton, MN 55724

Monday 10am - 3pm

(THRIFT is closed on MONDAYS)

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