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We are happy to announce that the beloved Christmas Dinner Theater is back! Read about the play, Theater for the Thirsty, and our menu below! Tickets are available at the bottom. 


For as long as we can remember Cotton held a Live Nativity, and as time went on, the tradition was passed on to Old School Lives. We have hosted the live nativity, various youth plays, Christmas concerts, community sing-a-longs, and shown movies! Christmas is a special season to celebrate the joy of Jesus with our community. We hope you will consider joining us this year. 


Friday, December 1st

Doors open at 5:30pm

Dinner is served at 6pm

Show starts at 6:30pm (approx 50 min)


"A Misfit Christmas"

performed by Theater for the Thirsty

Smile, laugh and hum along to your favorite Christmas carols as a tone-deaf angel, an absentminded census taker, a cow, a little drummer girl, and several other misfits share their offbeat and charming stories of the first Christmas.


To Read more about Theater for the Thirsty click here!




Dinner menu: Soup in Bread Bowls


Chicken Noodle Soup

Tuscan Sausage & Gnocci

Harvest Vegetable Lentil

*Gluten Free bread bowls available


$9 per person

$27 per family (3 or more)


Sponsored tickets are available!

We want everyone to be able to celebrate with us, so if you truly cannot afford the ticket price, please use the code "GIFT" when purchasing tickets for a full discount!


There is also an option to donate a ticket so we can continue to offer sponsored tickets for our community! Thank you!

Please RSVP by November 24th!
Any questions call us at 218-482-3005
Tickets can be purchased over the phone or in person in our office! Do not send payment through the mail without calling to reserve your ticket!

IF you would like to volunteer with set-up or cooking, send us a message or stop in the office!

Please call for tickets.
Limited tickets available at the door!

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9165 Hwy 53
PO Box 156

Cotton, MN 55724

Monday 10am - 3pm

(THRIFT is closed on MONDAYS)

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