A family services outreach center
The greatness of a community is most
accurately measured by the compassionate
actions of its members.
"Someone" Does a Make a Difference
Sometimes we say to ourselves "I can't make a difference if I only volunteer for a couple of hours". Following are some examples of what a few hours a month of volunteering at Old School Lives means to people we see coming in for our services every day.
Someone got a healthy hot meal that they have not had in weeks
Someone got to take a walk in an uncluttered, smooth surfaced, clean, safe space
Someone got to take a hot shower
Someone got to read a book
Someone got to write a book
Someone got a place to sleep
Someone got a hug
Someone got a smile
Someone got to pursue college studies
Someone got to pursue high school diploma
Someone got warm and relaxed in front of the fireplace
Someone found a warm shirt to wear
Someone found a cuddly toy to snuggle
Someone learned that they are valued
Someone learned how to sew
Someone learned how to sculpt
Someone learned how to paint
Someone learned that they are needed
Someone learned that they belong somewhere
Someone learned that they are accepted
Someone learned that there is hope
Someone was encouraged
Someone was able to share the burden of grief
Many knew they are loved
A couple of hours doing what we think of as minimal, unimportant tasks really do change lives. One persons four hours a week becomes 200 hours a week when mulitplied by many volunteers. You do make a difference in this community when you volunteer at OSL. Thank you!
Get Involved
Old School Lives is volunteer driven. Nothing can be accomplished without our volunteers. As OSL we value leadership and teamwork. We believe that two are better than one and community is one of our core beliefs. Volunteering is a great way to get some community service done and an excellent way to minister to the community.

We want our volunteers to feel valued and appreciated and serve in the best way possible.
There are many opportunities and always a need for volunteers.

Interested in working with youth:
* Be a tutor
* Be a mentor
* Chaperon on Saturday Nights
* Help paint a mural for the youth artwork display wall

Interested in working with the a business:
* Help in the Second Chances Thrift Store
* Volunteer in the gift shop

Are you a good organizer?
*Sort items for the thrift store
*Set-up new rooms
*Help with administrative tasks

Love being creative?
*Help in the art studio
*Teach an art class
*Work on displays in the shops

Just want to help?
*Volunteer to run concessions
*General building maintenance and cleaning

There are always things to be a done and place for you, so just stop by!